Watch this roundup documentary about MASAR strategic objectives and some of the demonstration projects in Iraq and Lebanon.

Funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, Maintaining Strength and Resilience for Local Governments (MASAR) Project has supported local governments’ capacities, host populations and refugees suffering from the effects of the civil war in Syria. The project has worked in Ninawa and Duhok in Iraq, and in Akkar, Baalbek-Hermel and Tripoli in Lebanon, specifically on municipal strategic planning, improvement of public services and local economic development.
Watch this roundup documentary about MASAR strategic objectives and some of the demonstration projects in Iraq and Lebanon.
Analysing the public sector taking into account the living conditions of the population and identifying priorities in enhancing infrastructure and public services, aiming at economic improvements for the local communities.
Making maps, collecting information related to infrastructure (buildings, roads, etc.) providing vital information for the local communities.
Helping local governments in improving their solid waste management, through public awareness campaigns aiming at waste reduction, sorting at source and developing waste collection plans and procedures.
Achieving sustainable management of water resources by building and improving infrastructure such as irrigation systems, water pipes, and improving the operation of these public services.
Helping local governments elaborating road safety action plans by designing and implementing infrastructure improvements such as traffic lights, walking paths, safer road intersections and awareness programmes.
Working with local governments and communities on improving their crisis response.
Supporting communities working in the agri-food industry with a value-chain analysis and doing pilot projects leading to innovative products and technologies.
Identifying important tourist sites and promoting cultural and eco-tourism.
Availability and access to water and working with local government on improving water management.